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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Technology - smartphones

Over the past 100 years technology has increased at a significant rate, queue the Moore's law reference.

I do stop and wonder, where will it take us in our lifetime - let's say by 2085.

Let's start with Smartphones....

Smartphones are they good or evil? Very useful or the loss of all privacy? 😨

Combining cameras, satnavs, video cameras, the family pc, entire cd or vinyl collections, photo albums, phone books, maps, all under one roof is pretty impressive. Voice commands and being waterproof take them up a notch.

But phones pick out trends and analyse data, data about you. From telling you how long a commute may take to showing you where you parked your car. (no input from yourself, it has this information readily available)

In a race of intelligence, I think smartphones have now overtaken their owners.

Without your phone could you...
- List phone numbers of loved ones? tell me the quickest way to Eastbourne, direct me there and keep me updated with the best route? Could you also list the birthdays of your friends and family along with ages? Or answer questions from knowledge, rather than suggesting Google it? What is a rock hopper penguin?

Smartphones are constantly evolving both through the handset technology but via the software and app stores. In contrast games consoles  are released in generations, years apart - with big differences when compared with the previous model. With smartphones it is a blur and very clear when you change phone or upgrade. In 2 years time, 4 or even 10 years time what will your phone be capable of?

The next steps
- Flexible handsets (like paper)
- Personal assistants (like the film Her?)
- IoT (Internet of things) - complete control of your home and possessions
- Less input from the user will be required , as the phones continue to collect and analyse the data about you - more and more information will be presented to the owner. Predictive text may be exactly that...
- Health apps and sensors
- Daily routine mapped out and controlled, from being woken up by your phone, which controls the Internet of things devices in your home. From opening the curtains, to preparing your breakfast and morning coffee, maybe even pulling your on demand car or driverless car round to the front of your house. Probably briefing you on your day, the latest news, birthdays and reminders or to what you missed whilst you were asleep. Everything will be synced and tailored to your routine and the data you generate.

A step beyond this and a more extreme step, is integrating technology into the human body. Chips and sensor implants. The topic of the next call of duty game. No doubt in testing in labs around the world. If you could upgrade your vision, memory, knowledge - would you?

So where do rock hopper penguins live again?

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