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Monday, 16 September 2013

Insanity Week 7

Day 50 - Monday 16th September 2013

"Fitness Test & Max Interval Circuit"
After 50 days of Insanity, it was time for the 4th fitness test and one of the most extreme exercises. Today was both physically and mentally challenging. Have I improved? How does it compare to my first fitness test? Did I give up?

Quite a challenge today. The fitness test (around 30 minutes) and Max Interval Circuit (1 hour). I knew this would be draining so I decided to eat an apple about an hour before (to give me some energy) and drank a black coffee 10 minutes before the 1st workout. I also decided to put a jacket potato in the oven at the start of the Max Interval Circuit - to avoid eating late in the evening.

Approach for the fitness test:
- Last time I ran 7km on my rest day, so chose not to run yesterday
- I think tried to save energy for some of the later exercises as I was disappointed that I couldn't beat my scores in these last time
- I tried to get as much air in the room as possible (trust me you will need it!)
- I didn't even think about the workout that followed, I just wanted to see further improvements
- I decided to take a 5 or 10 minute break, to drink water and get my breath back 
- I do think my weakened knees affected some of my scores
- My form in some of the exercises probably wasn't great

Fitness Test
During some of the final breaks in the fitness test, I really had to focus my breathing, to try and get my breath back in preparation for the next exercise. It is really important to have some good ventilation, you will need as much air as you can get!

- Day 50, the first three exercises, not quite as good as Day 36 - but a nice increase compared to Day 1
- It takes a lot to improve on the jumps, so I'm really pleased with Day 50
- After pushing to beat my scores on the jumps, push up jacks took a lot of mental strength! Compare Day 1 to Day 50!

Max Interval Circuit
When I started this workout, I didn't feel great. I had even taken a breather before hand! There were a few questions running through my mind during the warm up.
"I feel a bit dizzy, is this a good idea?"
"Maybe I should get some fruit or have a snack and start it again later on"
"I've given it all in the fitness test, I don't feel as though I can complete this exercise" 
"This is an hour! My evening isn't going to be much fun!"

Thankfully I didn't collapse or faint! After a while I seemed to come round and felt as though I had enough energy to make the most of this tough workout. This is the workout where I previously said it felt as though I was subject to a tranquilliser during the "Power punches". I'm not sure how to explain this, but after doing the fitness test, feeling dodgy at the start of this workout - I managed to put in a good effort for the power punches! All I can suggest is that my fitness levels have spiked since the first "Max Interval Circuit" workouts.

Day 50 Summary
Day 50 is really really really tough! I'm glad I didn't give up at any point. I'm slightly disappointed I didn't improve in all of my fitness test, but I have improved in the more difficult exercises. Comparing Day 50 to Day 1 - it is clear my fitness has improved. If I had attempted the fitness test and this workout on Day 1, I may not have survived!

Day 51 - Tuesday 18th September 2013

"Max Interval Plyo" (& release of GTA V & return of the Champions League!)
I was pretty tired when I woke up this morning, but glad I didn't ache! (Unlike the first week!!)

Feeling pretty good about yesterday's performance I thought I would weight in. Good news! This is the lightest I have weighed since I started this madness. I am now 5lbs lighter than my start weight.

I feel as though I am missing out on Grand Theft Auto V and the Champions League, but remain dedicated to Insanity and my blog (why? lol).
I felt as though I was flagging during the few exercises (not surprising after yesterday), but I thought to myself "if I am going to take an hour a day and put myself through this, I might as well push every time - other wise I am just wasting my own time" - sure enough I picked up the pace and showed the signs of dedication (swearing at the TV and collapsing to the floor once a routine has finished!)

Two final points - during the one legged bend and jump - I was all over the place! This must be due to yesterday's effort and my body must still be recovering (possibly a good thing?).
Secondly - the press up work in this exercise is something else! I can keep up with the DVD, but the pushup to standing move is simply crazy (but looks cool!) If there is one move to show off your fitness and what Insanity has done to you - this is it!

Day 52 - Wednesday 18th September 2013

"Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs"

I've run out of time this evening - but I have completed both workouts! (As if I wouldn't!)

No complaints today really apart from Insanity is eating up my evenings! I'm also 6lbs lighter than my start weight! Its a bit strange that the weight loss has just started this week, although I have been eating almost the same meals everyday. If this continues tomorrow I might write a bit about my diet - inspired by the Mens Health Magazine guide.


Day 53 - Thursday 19th September 2013

"Max Recovery"
10 days to go! I'm glad I have made it this far! A few people are asking what I will do when I finish Insanity - at the moment I'm not sure. Do it again? Try something else? Get fat and enjoy it? lol. I think I'll reach the finish line first.

I didn't realise it was Max Recovery until I was ready to press play, I was expecting another Insanity beasting. I'm actually relieved it was this exercise, it's not easy but it is a welcomed calmer pace compared to the other MAX workouts.

The high to low plank exercise nearly breaks me every time. It takes a lot of determination to do the 16 reps. I'm starting to look forward to the rest day. Being 10 days away from the finish line, I am shocked and surprised that a fairly healthy diet and this much effort - hasn't resulted in being ripped and a few stones lighter! But at the same time, I believe I am doing all the right things - so now it must just be time!

Day 54 - Friday 20th September 2013

"Max Interval Circuit"
Although this is a tough exercise, I think this is now my favourite workout.
(I'll add a bit more later)


Day 55 - Saturday 21st September 2013

"Core cardio and balance"
This workout was like the return of an old friend, this is the exercise from recovery week. It has been quite a while since I last did "mummy kicks". I enjoy the cardio workouts such as "8 fast feet/8 fast hooks". The level 1 drills are so much easier now! I also enjoy the boxing elements, such as "Jab switch jump squats" -
(just about to do it) throwing 8 punches then jumping 180 degrees and repeating.
There is also the return of the memorable "Hip flexor burners" and "Shoulder burners in plie". For the first time the shoulder burner really set my shoulders on fire! I really enjoyed this workout and had plenty of energy, even bouncing around and doing extra moves during some breaks.

Overall, feeling very positive and thinking about what challenge to take on next - cycling coast to coast or running a marathon often cross my mind.

Day 56 - Sunday 22nd September 2013

"Rest day" and only 1 week of Insanity left!

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