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Thursday, 10 October 2013

IT questions

This is a bit of an experiment, but leave your IT question below and I will see what I can do. 


  1. I have Acer Laptop with 2 hard drives and everything seems to be loading onto my C drive leaving my D drive empty. I store all documents photos etc on a plug in hard drive so shouldn't be so full. How do I remedy this?

  2. Uninstall any programs you no longer use or need (start menu --> control panel --> add/remove programs)

    Copy any files, documents, music, pictures, videos from the c drive to the d drive

    When you install new software, you could choose to install it to the D drive instead

    Empty the recycle bin on the desktop

    Run defragment

    I'd also recommend reinstalling windows from time to time - this will help speed up the system - just like the day you bought it! But backup whatever you wish to keep - as everything will be deleted. But is nice to start again :) hope this helps

    If you have the installation files. Or know where you can obtain a program, I'd recommend uninstalling from the C drive if it is full, then reinstall to the D drive
